So all week i've been having weird encounters, weird dreams...ect... and this is no different. I booked my nail appointment for today OVER 2 weeks ago. Well, all of a sudden on Thursday, I receive a phone call from this spa. It was the person who had booked my appointment and who was supposed to do my nails... here is what she told me:
"Hi, Mrs. Nichols, this is _____ from _____ Day Spa...I was calling to tell you that we are still able to do your pedicure on Saturday, but we will need to reschedule your nails for another day because I do not do nails anymore."
me-"uh, what? I do not understand why you are having to make this call. Its not my problem. And I can't reschedule I leave on Tuesday and when I came in to make my appointment, YOU said that we would not have enough time to do my nails Tuesday morning and that we should do manicure and pedicure together on Saturday."
her-"Well, I do not do nails anymore. I am strictly front desk. and I wasn't aware of your trip."
me-"Yes you were, I told you straight up why i was needing my nails done when i needed them."
her-"well when do you come back?"
me-"No, you don't understand. this is FOR MY TRIP. I will see my husband for the first time in 8.5 weeks, and you are telling me that because of YOUR MISTAKE and the fact that you just decided you don't do nails anymore that I can't have them done?"
her--"'am..uhm.. you know what just forget i ever called and we'll see you saturday."
i was like "WTF!??" i'm about to go in and spend money to get my nails done at this place and they are calling me to tell me that this particular person just "doesn't do nails anymore". right... i have to move my entire schedule for you? hah. no. I ended up calling back later that day, speaking to one of the main people there (not really sure if she's a manager, i think she is)...and i apologized to her for getting so irritable, but I did let her know that i did not appreciate that and that it was bad customer service. She agreed and i asked her "now would it be better for me to come in on Friday and do the shellac and keep the pedicure on Saturday?" "no, mrs. nichols, we'll take care of you on Saturday." better not get botched because this b**** is mad at me. or i'll be raising hell.
anyways. so thats a bit of crazy i've run into this week...sooo looking forward to confronting her AFTER my appointment. lol. though..i'm a lot of big talk, but i really do not have the guts to say anything unless she botches it. lol. but after that things started calming down a bit... I haven't run into anymore crazies... lol. that always makes me feel better. Yesterday was a lot of running back and forth though. I went on base for my personal training around 830, was home by 1030, got a shower, got ready, ate lunch, ran BACK on base to get my glasses....then put gas in my car...I went to target like 4 times yesterday. i kept forgetting stuff, grabbing the wrong thing to return, and stuff...I got my CD from karen of all my pics that she took of me! so gorgeous! i made some prints for Daniel to choose from....rented a movie from Redbox that i'll end up watching later today probably (ran out of time last night). and all that fun stuff...
Daniel called last night! He got a 15 minute call and it was glorious. He passed all his tests/evals and is all set to graduate next week! hooray! his flight made Warrior (which is really good!). I'm so excited. he's so ready to see me. I think we're really just ready to be a married couple again. It feels so weird without my better half around...and he said basically the same thing. he should get to call me again today if they get base lib like they were told they would. :) I'm just praying its not while i'm at the spa...they're gonna be mad already if i have my phone out and on...(muted, mind you, but they don't like phones out there)...just think how mad they'll be if i get a phone part of me hopes for it after the hell they put me through on Thursday...just saying. ;)
All-in-all i've got a pretty slow day ahead of me...aside from my nails, I just plan on cleaning my bedroom, starting on laundry (hopefully), and chillin. I got some sleep last night (for the first time all week because of my strange dreams..)...Woke up around 2 after one odd dream, then fell back asleep until oreo woke me up at 5 something...used the bathroom...then passed back out until almost 9. lol. I was tired. Thats the latest I've slept since Daniel left. I can't wait until Thursday, guys. I'm so ready. I'm gonna be bouncin up and down on that flight like a kid with ADD. lol. I leave HSV at 120 on Tuesday. its going to be GLORIOUS...aside from the 7hr flight time...hahaha. its an hour from here to ATL, then a 2.5 hour delay in ATL...then a 4.5 hour flight to SAT. :D But I planned it that way. I don't know the ATL airport, so i wanted to have plenty of time to find my way around and eat something. lol
Anyways... I'll try to blog again when i get to Lackland, but idk...I really hate my netbook, and i can't post from my phone (or well, i havent' really figured it out yet... lol) but heres a couple pics from my photoshoot and one of my new glasses! :D enjoy! have a happy saturday! :D
P.S. the next time I post will either be while i'm in Lackland or after my trip.. :D

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