hey guys! I usually don't post so quick, but i wanted to give ya'll a quick update!
I was informed last night on the phone by my amazing husband two things that are extremely exciting.
1) That he was going to go to TMO to get a pack/load date and unload dates scheduled. (the movers)
2) we could have a house on base by the end of next week. O.O
Do you know what i did? I was literally bouncing off the walls with excitement last night. I could have a house. near my husband. in a week. HOLY COW. The only downfall is that Daniel wont be able to live with me until after at least 45 days (not that big of a deal...)...but in a couple weeks, he should be able to come to the house on the weekends to see me....and stay with me from Friday after the duty day (around 5) until about 9 on Sundays. :D
so. thrilled. So we decided that if we have a house on base by the time TMO comes to get my stuff that the day TMO leaves my house in huntsville to head for the coast, thats where i'll be headed too. I'll have my car packed up and say GOODBYE HUNTSVILLE! and be on my way! I'll make a few stops on the way, but will be heading in the direction of my future...my husband... my love.
so ready for all these changes! gonna be difficult, but it will be well worth it in the end!
So all-in-all i've got maybe 2-3 weeks left here in huntsville (hopefully), then its adios, past! hello bright future!
nervous, excited, anxious, thrilled, overwhelmed, BUSY. forgive me if i get a bit tense over this time period... transitions have never come too easily for me, mainly because i'm a bit OCD and like everything to go as planned (lol, military will train me and get me out of that, hopefully...lol)--so i may get a bit short and snappy as it draws nearer. i do apologize!
thanks for bearing with me over the last few months! i'm so excited! I had to share!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Our New Beginning
Usually with a title like that, you think I've jumped off the bandwagon weight wise and i'm starting all over again, right? WRONG. Today its all about the new beginning for Daniel and I and what our future might hold. I actually did gain a little weight back on my trip (only 4lbs, mostly water weight probably), but thats nothing compared to the 12.4 i've lost! lol 4lbs is a cinch! :D Anyways.
As you guys know, I went down to Lackland to see Daniel graduate from USAF BMT this past week. I arrived Tuesday night around 930pm, and was there until about 140 yesterday (thats when my plane left San Antonio). can you say BEST WEEKEND EVER?!? I definitely think i am one lucky woman to have scored such an amazing husband. Valentine's Day was the first day I saw him--and omg. Yeah, i cried. not as much as i thought i would, but quite a bit. I was shaking like a leaf though. haha. i kept picking invisible lent off his ABUs while we were walking just so i could touch him and make sure I wasn't dreaming. We kept attempting to hold hands then we'd remember its not allowed in uniform... lol. oh AF, how i love your rules! lol actually, its just because it is seen as "unprofessional" and stuff. I understand. He wont be in uniform 24/7, so i can live with that. But yeah, i was up BRIGHT AND EARLY (oh around 245a) on Thursday, had to be at the BMT Reception Center for an orientation at 7, so I was there by 545 (with a line of people already standing outside).... then we watched the Airman's Run around 8a, then i went and sat in the cold-a** bleachers for 2.5 hours. My butt has never been so sore. I wish I would have taken a stadium seat. haha. or a blanket. It was alright though, I was sitting in the PERFECT spot to see Daniel and his FLT get their coins, as well as I had some pretty entertaining folks sitting around me, which made the wait a little easier. At the end of the coin ceremony, they played retreat and the national anthem, after that... HE WAS FREE. I made a beeline for him (i was so close, i could see him the entire time during the ceremony so I had my plan all plotted out--lol) I stood in front of him and waited til he made eye contact then i basically jumped him. haha. not really, but in my mind, thats how i remember it. he actually had to catch himself cuz he tried to kiss me longer than a peck--which is a no-no in uniform as well. haha. he said he wasn't expecting me to tap him out by kissing him on the lips...he thought i was gonna go for his cheek. LOL. brings back memories of our first kiss. hahaha (only in that instance, it was the other way around!) so after all that, we made a beeline for the car amongst the thousands of people (there were 856 grads, so you can only imagine)... made it back to the hotel room and had the most amazing valentines day ever. I cooked for him, which is something i missed extremely. I love cooking for him. :) When it came time to drop him off at the end of the day (he had to be back by 630), I was feeling overwhelmed, but in a good way. It was so good to see him.....
Friday was the graduation parade and squadron open house AND town pass. :D I met his parents at the graduation parade field, we sat in the cold bleachers for 1.5 hours, and then his mom and I went and tapped him out on the field. It was fun. We then made a beeline for the squadron so he could show us the dorm he has lived in for the past 8.5 weeks. It was a lot smaller than i thought for 40 guys. geez, it had to smell in there sometimes... lol. Afterwards, Daniel and I dropped his parents and brother off at their car then took the rest of his ABUs and Blues to get his stripes sewn on. Then we went back to the hotel and chilled for a few while we figured out what we wanted for lunch and i fixed my hair (the wind had thoroughly screwed it up). After that, we met Daniel's parents (after an hour of driving in the middle of nowhere trying to find their hotel) at Chili's and ate lunch. I have never seen him eat food so quickly. LOL he must have enjoyed it. Must be better than the chow hall.... i guess. lol. after that, we went to his parents' hotel and chilled for a couple hours then went back to our hotel and rested until it was time to drop him off.
Saturday he had town pass ALL DAY. :D i picked him up around 9a and we went back to the hotel to figure out what we wanted to do. We ended up going to a shoe store to buy him new boots, then went to the Riverwalk--omg so pretty. We ate lunch at an amazing mexican restaurant (The Originale or something like that), and even got sung to by a mariachi band (well sorta, they sang to the airman at the table next to us, so we got the show without having to pay! lol) so much fun! then we walked around some more and ended up going to the Ripley's Odditorium there--that stuff never gets old. We went to one in Gatlinburg on our honeymoon, how fitting to go to one then! lol it was like 2x the size of the Gatlinburg one too. it was fantastic. We then decided to head back to the hotel and just chilled. I cried quite a bit Saturday night. I was sad that the weekend was coming to an end, and i was nervous about our future. I dropped him off and bawled the whole way back to the hotel. I just couldn't stop. I tried. ended up crying myself to sleep around 830p.
Sunday, I woke up feeling kinda....blank. I don't really know how else to describe it...I guess drained? I got up, went to starbucks, and then went to pick him up. I was biting back tears the whole morning, but i finally got over myself. lol. We had a very nice day. We hung out at the hotel, then went to eat at cheddars (where we haven't eaten in probably 2 years--it was fantastic!), then we went back to the hotel and spent the remaining 4 hours in bed listening to music and just snuggling. BEST DAY EVER. what i would give to go back and just hit pause. i loved being wrapped up in his arms and just snuggling. listening to each other breathe, just enjoying every second of each other. it was nice. When it came time to take him back, i was hesitant because i was nervous that i would cry...but i didnt, surprisingly enough... i went and grabbed me some dinner and some extra large ziplocks to compress clothes with, and went back to the hotel. I packed, ate, packed, and packed some more. I ended up getting everything home (including the stuff Daniel left for me to take home... on top of my already full 4 bags--lol)... so thats good. yesterday was just all flying and i got home and CRASHED.
now for the part you all have been waiting for--Our Future.
Daniel was given his job and his orders. His orders are ACCOMPANIED (meaning I can come with him) to Keesler AFB for 20+ weeks for his job of RF Transmissions Systems... I'm not really sure what all of that means just yet, but I'm sure we'll find out. I know that I am authorized to move with him, and that we are both going to do everything in our power to get me down there. He has briefings all this week, so we should have more information in the next week or so. I am looking forward to moving down there, but I'm also hesitant. I am enjoying being able to save some money, but I'm also ready to be back with my husband and get back to some form of normalcy. I know with the military, nothing is ever "normal," but there is some form of normalcy that can be had from just living together again. God I miss being with him. This weekend was amazing, and I just can't wait to be with him again. for good. After his tech school, we'll figure out where we are PCSing to (where our first base will be for the next 3.5 years)... we have a lot of good choices. :) I can't wait to see what the AF throws our way. lol.
My thoughts? As long as Daniel and I are together, I will be fine wherever the AF may send us. Be that Japan, Italy, Germany, UK, Alaska, Hawaii, Florida, or the-middle-of-nowhere-North Dakota, I'll be fine. As long as we're together. I'd rather not go to some of these places, but I am behind my husband 100% and will move wherever the AF shall send us. :)
I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. :)
As you guys know, I went down to Lackland to see Daniel graduate from USAF BMT this past week. I arrived Tuesday night around 930pm, and was there until about 140 yesterday (thats when my plane left San Antonio). can you say BEST WEEKEND EVER?!? I definitely think i am one lucky woman to have scored such an amazing husband. Valentine's Day was the first day I saw him--and omg. Yeah, i cried. not as much as i thought i would, but quite a bit. I was shaking like a leaf though. haha. i kept picking invisible lent off his ABUs while we were walking just so i could touch him and make sure I wasn't dreaming. We kept attempting to hold hands then we'd remember its not allowed in uniform... lol. oh AF, how i love your rules! lol actually, its just because it is seen as "unprofessional" and stuff. I understand. He wont be in uniform 24/7, so i can live with that. But yeah, i was up BRIGHT AND EARLY (oh around 245a) on Thursday, had to be at the BMT Reception Center for an orientation at 7, so I was there by 545 (with a line of people already standing outside).... then we watched the Airman's Run around 8a, then i went and sat in the cold-a** bleachers for 2.5 hours. My butt has never been so sore. I wish I would have taken a stadium seat. haha. or a blanket. It was alright though, I was sitting in the PERFECT spot to see Daniel and his FLT get their coins, as well as I had some pretty entertaining folks sitting around me, which made the wait a little easier. At the end of the coin ceremony, they played retreat and the national anthem, after that... HE WAS FREE. I made a beeline for him (i was so close, i could see him the entire time during the ceremony so I had my plan all plotted out--lol) I stood in front of him and waited til he made eye contact then i basically jumped him. haha. not really, but in my mind, thats how i remember it. he actually had to catch himself cuz he tried to kiss me longer than a peck--which is a no-no in uniform as well. haha. he said he wasn't expecting me to tap him out by kissing him on the lips...he thought i was gonna go for his cheek. LOL. brings back memories of our first kiss. hahaha (only in that instance, it was the other way around!) so after all that, we made a beeline for the car amongst the thousands of people (there were 856 grads, so you can only imagine)... made it back to the hotel room and had the most amazing valentines day ever. I cooked for him, which is something i missed extremely. I love cooking for him. :) When it came time to drop him off at the end of the day (he had to be back by 630), I was feeling overwhelmed, but in a good way. It was so good to see him.....
Friday was the graduation parade and squadron open house AND town pass. :D I met his parents at the graduation parade field, we sat in the cold bleachers for 1.5 hours, and then his mom and I went and tapped him out on the field. It was fun. We then made a beeline for the squadron so he could show us the dorm he has lived in for the past 8.5 weeks. It was a lot smaller than i thought for 40 guys. geez, it had to smell in there sometimes... lol. Afterwards, Daniel and I dropped his parents and brother off at their car then took the rest of his ABUs and Blues to get his stripes sewn on. Then we went back to the hotel and chilled for a few while we figured out what we wanted for lunch and i fixed my hair (the wind had thoroughly screwed it up). After that, we met Daniel's parents (after an hour of driving in the middle of nowhere trying to find their hotel) at Chili's and ate lunch. I have never seen him eat food so quickly. LOL he must have enjoyed it. Must be better than the chow hall.... i guess. lol. after that, we went to his parents' hotel and chilled for a couple hours then went back to our hotel and rested until it was time to drop him off.
Saturday he had town pass ALL DAY. :D i picked him up around 9a and we went back to the hotel to figure out what we wanted to do. We ended up going to a shoe store to buy him new boots, then went to the Riverwalk--omg so pretty. We ate lunch at an amazing mexican restaurant (The Originale or something like that), and even got sung to by a mariachi band (well sorta, they sang to the airman at the table next to us, so we got the show without having to pay! lol) so much fun! then we walked around some more and ended up going to the Ripley's Odditorium there--that stuff never gets old. We went to one in Gatlinburg on our honeymoon, how fitting to go to one then! lol it was like 2x the size of the Gatlinburg one too. it was fantastic. We then decided to head back to the hotel and just chilled. I cried quite a bit Saturday night. I was sad that the weekend was coming to an end, and i was nervous about our future. I dropped him off and bawled the whole way back to the hotel. I just couldn't stop. I tried. ended up crying myself to sleep around 830p.
Sunday, I woke up feeling kinda....blank. I don't really know how else to describe it...I guess drained? I got up, went to starbucks, and then went to pick him up. I was biting back tears the whole morning, but i finally got over myself. lol. We had a very nice day. We hung out at the hotel, then went to eat at cheddars (where we haven't eaten in probably 2 years--it was fantastic!), then we went back to the hotel and spent the remaining 4 hours in bed listening to music and just snuggling. BEST DAY EVER. what i would give to go back and just hit pause. i loved being wrapped up in his arms and just snuggling. listening to each other breathe, just enjoying every second of each other. it was nice. When it came time to take him back, i was hesitant because i was nervous that i would cry...but i didnt, surprisingly enough... i went and grabbed me some dinner and some extra large ziplocks to compress clothes with, and went back to the hotel. I packed, ate, packed, and packed some more. I ended up getting everything home (including the stuff Daniel left for me to take home... on top of my already full 4 bags--lol)... so thats good. yesterday was just all flying and i got home and CRASHED.
now for the part you all have been waiting for--Our Future.
Daniel was given his job and his orders. His orders are ACCOMPANIED (meaning I can come with him) to Keesler AFB for 20+ weeks for his job of RF Transmissions Systems... I'm not really sure what all of that means just yet, but I'm sure we'll find out. I know that I am authorized to move with him, and that we are both going to do everything in our power to get me down there. He has briefings all this week, so we should have more information in the next week or so. I am looking forward to moving down there, but I'm also hesitant. I am enjoying being able to save some money, but I'm also ready to be back with my husband and get back to some form of normalcy. I know with the military, nothing is ever "normal," but there is some form of normalcy that can be had from just living together again. God I miss being with him. This weekend was amazing, and I just can't wait to be with him again. for good. After his tech school, we'll figure out where we are PCSing to (where our first base will be for the next 3.5 years)... we have a lot of good choices. :) I can't wait to see what the AF throws our way. lol.
My thoughts? As long as Daniel and I are together, I will be fine wherever the AF may send us. Be that Japan, Italy, Germany, UK, Alaska, Hawaii, Florida, or the-middle-of-nowhere-North Dakota, I'll be fine. As long as we're together. I'd rather not go to some of these places, but I am behind my husband 100% and will move wherever the AF shall send us. :)
I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. :)
Saturday, February 9, 2013
The Week of Crazy People
I don't even know where to begin today. This week has been odd. As we get closer to me leaving for Lackland, people have gotten crazy. I've had two people flip out on me this week... The first one, well...we sorted it out in the end...this second one? Listen to this guys... omg.
So all week i've been having weird encounters, weird dreams...ect... and this is no different. I booked my nail appointment for today OVER 2 weeks ago. Well, all of a sudden on Thursday, I receive a phone call from this spa. It was the person who had booked my appointment and who was supposed to do my nails... here is what she told me:
"Hi, Mrs. Nichols, this is _____ from _____ Day Spa...I was calling to tell you that we are still able to do your pedicure on Saturday, but we will need to reschedule your nails for another day because I do not do nails anymore."
me-"uh, what? I do not understand why you are having to make this call. Its not my problem. And I can't reschedule I leave on Tuesday and when I came in to make my appointment, YOU said that we would not have enough time to do my nails Tuesday morning and that we should do manicure and pedicure together on Saturday."
her-"Well, I do not do nails anymore. I am strictly front desk. and I wasn't aware of your trip."
me-"Yes you were, I told you straight up why i was needing my nails done when i needed them."
her-"well when do you come back?"
me-"No, you don't understand. this is FOR MY TRIP. I will see my husband for the first time in 8.5 weeks, and you are telling me that because of YOUR MISTAKE and the fact that you just decided you don't do nails anymore that I can't have them done?"
her--"no...ma'am..uhm.. you know what just forget i ever called and we'll see you saturday."
i was like "WTF!??" i'm about to go in and spend money to get my nails done at this place and they are calling me to tell me that this particular person just "doesn't do nails anymore". right... okay...so i have to move my entire schedule for you? hah. no. I ended up calling back later that day, speaking to one of the main people there (not really sure if she's a manager, i think she is)...and i apologized to her for getting so irritable, but I did let her know that i did not appreciate that and that it was bad customer service. She agreed and i asked her "now would it be better for me to come in on Friday and do the shellac and keep the pedicure on Saturday?" "no, mrs. nichols, we'll take care of you on Saturday." okay...well..it better not get botched because this b**** is mad at me. or i'll be raising hell.
anyways. so thats a bit of crazy i've run into this week...sooo looking forward to confronting her AFTER my appointment. lol. though..i'm a lot of big talk, but i really do not have the guts to say anything unless she botches it. lol. but after that things started calming down a bit... I haven't run into anymore crazies... lol. that always makes me feel better. Yesterday was a lot of running back and forth though. I went on base for my personal training around 830, was home by 1030, got a shower, got ready, ate lunch, ran BACK on base to get my glasses....then put gas in my car...I went to target like 4 times yesterday. i kept forgetting stuff, grabbing the wrong thing to return, and stuff...I got my CD from karen of all my pics that she took of me! so gorgeous! i made some prints for Daniel to choose from....rented a movie from Redbox that i'll end up watching later today probably (ran out of time last night). and all that fun stuff...
Daniel called last night! He got a 15 minute call and it was glorious. He passed all his tests/evals and is all set to graduate next week! hooray! his flight made Warrior (which is really good!). I'm so excited. he's so ready to see me. I think we're really just ready to be a married couple again. It feels so weird without my better half around...and he said basically the same thing. he should get to call me again today if they get base lib like they were told they would. :) I'm just praying its not while i'm at the spa...they're gonna be mad already if i have my phone out and on...(muted, mind you, but they don't like phones out there)...just think how mad they'll be if i get a phone call...lol. part of me hopes for it after the hell they put me through on Thursday...just saying. ;)
All-in-all i've got a pretty slow day ahead of me...aside from my nails, I just plan on cleaning my bedroom, starting on laundry (hopefully), and chillin. I got some sleep last night (for the first time all week because of my strange dreams..)...Woke up around 2 after one odd dream, then fell back asleep until oreo woke me up at 5 something...used the bathroom...then passed back out until almost 9. lol. I was tired. Thats the latest I've slept since Daniel left. I can't wait until Thursday, guys. I'm so ready. I'm gonna be bouncin up and down on that flight like a kid with ADD. lol. I leave HSV at 120 on Tuesday. its going to be GLORIOUS...aside from the 7hr flight time...hahaha. its an hour from here to ATL, then a 2.5 hour delay in ATL...then a 4.5 hour flight to SAT. :D But I planned it that way. I don't know the ATL airport, so i wanted to have plenty of time to find my way around and eat something. lol
Anyways... I'll try to blog again when i get to Lackland, but idk...I really hate my netbook, and i can't post from my phone (or well, i havent' really figured it out yet... lol) but heres a couple pics from my photoshoot and one of my new glasses! :D enjoy! have a happy saturday! :D
P.S. the next time I post will either be while i'm in Lackland or after my trip.. :D

So all week i've been having weird encounters, weird dreams...ect... and this is no different. I booked my nail appointment for today OVER 2 weeks ago. Well, all of a sudden on Thursday, I receive a phone call from this spa. It was the person who had booked my appointment and who was supposed to do my nails... here is what she told me:
"Hi, Mrs. Nichols, this is _____ from _____ Day Spa...I was calling to tell you that we are still able to do your pedicure on Saturday, but we will need to reschedule your nails for another day because I do not do nails anymore."
me-"uh, what? I do not understand why you are having to make this call. Its not my problem. And I can't reschedule I leave on Tuesday and when I came in to make my appointment, YOU said that we would not have enough time to do my nails Tuesday morning and that we should do manicure and pedicure together on Saturday."
her-"Well, I do not do nails anymore. I am strictly front desk. and I wasn't aware of your trip."
me-"Yes you were, I told you straight up why i was needing my nails done when i needed them."
her-"well when do you come back?"
me-"No, you don't understand. this is FOR MY TRIP. I will see my husband for the first time in 8.5 weeks, and you are telling me that because of YOUR MISTAKE and the fact that you just decided you don't do nails anymore that I can't have them done?"
her--"no...ma'am..uhm.. you know what just forget i ever called and we'll see you saturday."
i was like "WTF!??" i'm about to go in and spend money to get my nails done at this place and they are calling me to tell me that this particular person just "doesn't do nails anymore". right... okay...so i have to move my entire schedule for you? hah. no. I ended up calling back later that day, speaking to one of the main people there (not really sure if she's a manager, i think she is)...and i apologized to her for getting so irritable, but I did let her know that i did not appreciate that and that it was bad customer service. She agreed and i asked her "now would it be better for me to come in on Friday and do the shellac and keep the pedicure on Saturday?" "no, mrs. nichols, we'll take care of you on Saturday." okay...well..it better not get botched because this b**** is mad at me. or i'll be raising hell.
anyways. so thats a bit of crazy i've run into this week...sooo looking forward to confronting her AFTER my appointment. lol. though..i'm a lot of big talk, but i really do not have the guts to say anything unless she botches it. lol. but after that things started calming down a bit... I haven't run into anymore crazies... lol. that always makes me feel better. Yesterday was a lot of running back and forth though. I went on base for my personal training around 830, was home by 1030, got a shower, got ready, ate lunch, ran BACK on base to get my glasses....then put gas in my car...I went to target like 4 times yesterday. i kept forgetting stuff, grabbing the wrong thing to return, and stuff...I got my CD from karen of all my pics that she took of me! so gorgeous! i made some prints for Daniel to choose from....rented a movie from Redbox that i'll end up watching later today probably (ran out of time last night). and all that fun stuff...
Daniel called last night! He got a 15 minute call and it was glorious. He passed all his tests/evals and is all set to graduate next week! hooray! his flight made Warrior (which is really good!). I'm so excited. he's so ready to see me. I think we're really just ready to be a married couple again. It feels so weird without my better half around...and he said basically the same thing. he should get to call me again today if they get base lib like they were told they would. :) I'm just praying its not while i'm at the spa...they're gonna be mad already if i have my phone out and on...(muted, mind you, but they don't like phones out there)...just think how mad they'll be if i get a phone call...lol. part of me hopes for it after the hell they put me through on Thursday...just saying. ;)
All-in-all i've got a pretty slow day ahead of me...aside from my nails, I just plan on cleaning my bedroom, starting on laundry (hopefully), and chillin. I got some sleep last night (for the first time all week because of my strange dreams..)...Woke up around 2 after one odd dream, then fell back asleep until oreo woke me up at 5 something...used the bathroom...then passed back out until almost 9. lol. I was tired. Thats the latest I've slept since Daniel left. I can't wait until Thursday, guys. I'm so ready. I'm gonna be bouncin up and down on that flight like a kid with ADD. lol. I leave HSV at 120 on Tuesday. its going to be GLORIOUS...aside from the 7hr flight time...hahaha. its an hour from here to ATL, then a 2.5 hour delay in ATL...then a 4.5 hour flight to SAT. :D But I planned it that way. I don't know the ATL airport, so i wanted to have plenty of time to find my way around and eat something. lol
Anyways... I'll try to blog again when i get to Lackland, but idk...I really hate my netbook, and i can't post from my phone (or well, i havent' really figured it out yet... lol) but heres a couple pics from my photoshoot and one of my new glasses! :D enjoy! have a happy saturday! :D
P.S. the next time I post will either be while i'm in Lackland or after my trip.. :D

Sunday, February 3, 2013
Friends are gifts from God
You know, I've written a lot about me, about Daniel, about our journey together...and I'll say a little bit about us in this post, but this one is mainly gonna be about my friends. My friends are amazing, let me just say that. They will put up with me being bi-polar and excruciatingly sappy and all this stuff while Daniel has been gone, and that is something I don't let go unnoticed. I've had a few best-friend-dates over the past couple weeks, and I am SOO thankful for them. Every time I spend time with either of my best friends, I am reminded at just how blessed Daniel and I to have them. For one, how many married couples can say that the friends they have are shared? I mean, thats how it has always been with Daniel and I. My best friend is good friends with him...his best friends are my best friends. I mean, we're such a tight-knit group... I wish we got to see each other more often though, and thats about to take a turn for the worse unfortunately. :(
I wish there was a way to express how i feel towards my friends. Words can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for them. I try to express in words, and it just never seems to be enough...for me. I want to show them how much they mean to us, but I just don't know how. lol. Its a great thing when you can talk to one of your friends and joke about certain things...or divulge in details that most others would cringe away from...and they don't think anything of it. They just laugh or give me advice in the best way they can. I try so hard to make sure that I am up to par with them. I want to be there for them...Both of my best friends have gone through some pretty rough situations over the past year, and I so wish I could have been there for them more than I was. If I had had any inkling of how awful things were, I would have been there in a heartbeat. But both of them are so strong, they tried to take it on by themselves. I hate that. It breaks my heart that I wasn't there for them. Either of them. :( I know that they had their reasons for holding it in, doesn't make it any easier to think that i could have been there for them.
I love my friends. I cannot say that enough. The fact that God has blessed me with my ultimate best friend and husband, 2 extremely fantastic friends, and several other friends that are really good too...its just amazing. Most people say "well i only have 2 best friends, the rest are aquaintences" or "i have a lot of great friends, but not a single one is my best friend.." ya know? I'm grateful to have 3 best friends and several really good friends. :) Idk what it is in me... people say that its because I see the best in people and try very hard to please everyone...probably one of my best qualities and my worst. I have, in the past, had friends and a boyfriend who trampled all over me, because I let them. I was sooo eager to please and just wanted to make everyone happy...and i let them run me over hundred-fold. Now, thanks to my wonderful husband, I am so much stronger. I still try to make everyone happy, but if you are attempting to take adavantage of me? I WILL let you know. And I PROMISE to put you in your place. I have so much more confidence thanks to Daniel and my besties. It helps when you have a good support system. Which brings me to my next topic--weight loss.
I'm gonna be brief today with this because this is mainly about my friends...but this has something to do with my friends. lol. I have lost 10.4lbs over the last month and about 10 inches from my body. This is thanks to my wonderful husband, who still from BMT encourages me, enlightens me, and makes me push harder than ever before. It is also not without saying that my best friends have been there every step of the way (that they could). They encourage me, help me along, give me tips and tricks, and just remind me every day that Daniel's graduation is around the corner--which makes me push even harder. I've had a rollercoaster week (with going to Tuscaloosa last weekend and drinking and stuff on Friday..) but I still managed to lose weight this week. I was extremely happy when I got on the scale this morning. I wish Daniel would be able to call me today too so I could share my good news. I was able to tell him yesterday when he called that I bought my first pair of size 16 jeans. :D haven't done that since freshman year of high school some odd 9 years ago...wow i feel old.
That being said, without my friends I probably wouldn't have made it this far without losing my mind. Daniel's graduation is next week and I am SO ready for it. My friends have put up with all my bi-polar statuses on FB (one status saying "oh yeah i'm super pumped" to being "damn. i really miss my husband. :(") lol. they've also put up with me going on and on about how excited and ready I am for it. They are troopers! lol. but i guess it helped them to know that they'd only have to put up with it for 8.5 weeks... hahaha. Needless to say the BMT journey is coming to an end, and then Daniel and I will enter a new chapter--Tech School. We still have no idea where he will be going or what job he will have. They told him that he will not find out until the week of graduation. boooo.
anyways. Im gonna wrap this up by saying, cherish your friends--however close they are. They truly are a gift from God, and no matter what happens, they're always there for you. I thank God every day for them and I pray that I am there for them when they need it. If you are my friend, I love you. I am blessed to have you in my life. If you are my best friends, you know who you are, I love you so incredibly much and I pray that you will never fear to tell me anything, I pray that you will always know that no matter how many miles are between us, I am ALWAYS there for you. 100%. I will do whatever I can to help you, if that just means sitting on the other end of the phone and listen to you cry it out, or if it means I can actually be there with you and hug you when you need it.
I love you, friend. Always.
I wish there was a way to express how i feel towards my friends. Words can't even begin to describe how thankful I am for them. I try to express in words, and it just never seems to be enough...for me. I want to show them how much they mean to us, but I just don't know how. lol. Its a great thing when you can talk to one of your friends and joke about certain things...or divulge in details that most others would cringe away from...and they don't think anything of it. They just laugh or give me advice in the best way they can. I try so hard to make sure that I am up to par with them. I want to be there for them...Both of my best friends have gone through some pretty rough situations over the past year, and I so wish I could have been there for them more than I was. If I had had any inkling of how awful things were, I would have been there in a heartbeat. But both of them are so strong, they tried to take it on by themselves. I hate that. It breaks my heart that I wasn't there for them. Either of them. :( I know that they had their reasons for holding it in, doesn't make it any easier to think that i could have been there for them.
I love my friends. I cannot say that enough. The fact that God has blessed me with my ultimate best friend and husband, 2 extremely fantastic friends, and several other friends that are really good too...its just amazing. Most people say "well i only have 2 best friends, the rest are aquaintences" or "i have a lot of great friends, but not a single one is my best friend.." ya know? I'm grateful to have 3 best friends and several really good friends. :) Idk what it is in me... people say that its because I see the best in people and try very hard to please everyone...probably one of my best qualities and my worst. I have, in the past, had friends and a boyfriend who trampled all over me, because I let them. I was sooo eager to please and just wanted to make everyone happy...and i let them run me over hundred-fold. Now, thanks to my wonderful husband, I am so much stronger. I still try to make everyone happy, but if you are attempting to take adavantage of me? I WILL let you know. And I PROMISE to put you in your place. I have so much more confidence thanks to Daniel and my besties. It helps when you have a good support system. Which brings me to my next topic--weight loss.
I'm gonna be brief today with this because this is mainly about my friends...but this has something to do with my friends. lol. I have lost 10.4lbs over the last month and about 10 inches from my body. This is thanks to my wonderful husband, who still from BMT encourages me, enlightens me, and makes me push harder than ever before. It is also not without saying that my best friends have been there every step of the way (that they could). They encourage me, help me along, give me tips and tricks, and just remind me every day that Daniel's graduation is around the corner--which makes me push even harder. I've had a rollercoaster week (with going to Tuscaloosa last weekend and drinking and stuff on Friday..) but I still managed to lose weight this week. I was extremely happy when I got on the scale this morning. I wish Daniel would be able to call me today too so I could share my good news. I was able to tell him yesterday when he called that I bought my first pair of size 16 jeans. :D haven't done that since freshman year of high school some odd 9 years ago...wow i feel old.
That being said, without my friends I probably wouldn't have made it this far without losing my mind. Daniel's graduation is next week and I am SO ready for it. My friends have put up with all my bi-polar statuses on FB (one status saying "oh yeah i'm super pumped" to being "damn. i really miss my husband. :(") lol. they've also put up with me going on and on about how excited and ready I am for it. They are troopers! lol. but i guess it helped them to know that they'd only have to put up with it for 8.5 weeks... hahaha. Needless to say the BMT journey is coming to an end, and then Daniel and I will enter a new chapter--Tech School. We still have no idea where he will be going or what job he will have. They told him that he will not find out until the week of graduation. boooo.
anyways. Im gonna wrap this up by saying, cherish your friends--however close they are. They truly are a gift from God, and no matter what happens, they're always there for you. I thank God every day for them and I pray that I am there for them when they need it. If you are my friend, I love you. I am blessed to have you in my life. If you are my best friends, you know who you are, I love you so incredibly much and I pray that you will never fear to tell me anything, I pray that you will always know that no matter how many miles are between us, I am ALWAYS there for you. 100%. I will do whatever I can to help you, if that just means sitting on the other end of the phone and listen to you cry it out, or if it means I can actually be there with you and hug you when you need it.
I love you, friend. Always.
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