Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Another Year Gone

Wow. I cannot believe I'm turning 22 on Friday. It seems like just yesterday I was 17 and foolish and freshly out of high school and fresh off a trip to Colorado. Now I'm turning 22, have an amazing husband, plans for our future, and a plan to change my lifestyle. Daniel will be going to BMT on November 19, 2012. Yes. You read right. That is the MONDAY OF THANKSGIVING. While I was originally really pissed at that fact (and the fact that he will miss our 3rd wedding anniversary, christmas, the new year, AND Valentine's Day), I have finally come to terms *for the most part* with this. I am glad we have a date, I wish it could be a different date, but....whatever--God has done this for a reason.

I guess a lot will be changing over the next theres no telling where I'll be or what Daniel and I will be up to this time next year. Its crazy to think about because I don't even know where we will be in a It could be ANYWHERE on the planet. I'm *hoping* for stateside...just because it would make visiting family and friends a TON easier, but I'm fine with whatever. It will be hard either way though. But its going to be an adventure and I'm SO excited that I have Daniel to share this adventure with. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him with all my heart, soul, and mind. People talk about soulmates, and Daniel literally is my other half. Butttt enough of me being sappy sappy. lol.

I'm kinda mad I have to work on Friday.... well not really that i have to work, but that I had asked off and got it approved like a month after starting this job...then about a month ago, they came and told me I had to change it and "sorry we approved it, but we added more blackout dates." Life. -.- Kinda over it...but at the same time, still it irks me. So i work my full day *hopefully getting off around 5-515* then *hopefully* going to Olive Garden and a movie with my wonderful husband. I told him I want a chill evening. I usually would want to dress up and all that fancy schmancy romantic shtuff. not this birthday. maybe next birthday. this birthday i just want chill. jeans. tshirt. yeah.... Saturday we're gonna go see his parents. and Sunday its  off to bham for my mom's parents' 50th wedding anniversary. 47 more years for Daniel and I til we hit that huge landmark. ;) wont seem so long with this amazing man i've found.

anyways. I've done a lot of blabbing. lol. as for my diet (which is why i started this blog) its just kinda slowly going. I'm not really losing, but Daniel and I aren't really vegan... we're like... 40% vegan... we probably will never be 100%...but we'll be closer than we are now...probably more like 85%-90%. lol.  but as for right now, theres just too much going on and we don't really have enough money to cover going vegan more than that. lol. what we're doing now is about breaking the bank. stupid healthy food being more expensive. meh, it happens. We'll be able to afford more once everything gets situated. lol.

but goes by fast...and its funny because it used to seem like the years went soo slowly...but now they are here then gone and its a new one and you're stuck sitting there staring going "wow...its already July, almost August? Dang.."

anyways. thats all cuz i'm starting to ramble because i'm exhausted. i'll write more eventually.


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