Okay. so. let me just start by saying that i feel awful right now. for more than one reason. 1) I went up on the scale (which doesn't really bother me that much, i just know it would have gone down if i had gone to the gym last night instead of eating dinner...lol) 2) I didn't go to the gym last night because I was past the point of exhaustion and i didn't want to get sick 3) i'm sick. -.-
It seems to me that every freaking time i try to get back in the swing of things, i get sick. Part of that is probably because i work in a daycare and these kids are like little germ monsters trying to get rid of me or something. Another is probably because I have been working so hard, and pushing myself past where i usually go (which is nowhere on most days before trying to get healthy) so my systems like "whoa whoa, let me catch up!" now i've been trying to get about 8 hours of sleep. Which means on a day where I "wake up" at 6, I go to bed around 10ish. which is easy to do when you go to the gym and aren't home til at least 7ish...cuz i still have to go get a shower, eat something, ect. So by the time thats all done, its 9p. lol...
but last night i made the ultimate decision to stay another day home from the gym (wednesday was my rest day)...and well...i feel bad...but i made that decision because i was so tired that on my lunch i almost didn't have time to eat because i about collapsed on the couch. Idk why i was so tired, but i think it had something to do with 1) i am coming down with something; 2) we had water play yesterday morning so i was in the sun for 2 hours.
*sigh* i'm hoping I can make it through today mainly unscathed. I'm gonna take B12 on my lunch...hell i may go ahead and take one now. but today is supposed to be a resistance day and i loveee doing my resistance training. I work 730-430, so i'll end up getting home about the time i would if i worked 830-530. :) so i mean thats not bad. and i can take a benedryl and sleep as late as i want tomorrow. LOL. i'm also going to take an airborne or 2 today. idk. sore throat started out wednesday night...and it just has slowly gotten a little bit worse. not to the awful point of not being able to swallow (thank GOD)...but its like that nasty drainage sore throat stuff. its irritating.
OH so let me explain my title for the blog. I've figured out this morning that getting healthy is like a marriage of sorts. You should try to get healthy no matter what, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, ect ect. Healthy is a lifestyle. Working out is a lifestyle. You should always try to better yourself.....(unless you're obscenely sick). I was reading somewhere that if you're sick above the neck (cough, runny nose, mild sore throat) but don't have a fever or anything like that, you're good to go do your workout, just lighten the load if you feel the need...however, if you are sick below the neck (chest congestion, fever, body aches, ect) then steer clear of the gym and just wait until about 48 hours after your symptoms chill out before going. So all i have is this nasty drainage-produced sore throat...so i guess i'm good to go to the gym tonight...i just hope i can. i really would like to see a 3lb loss this week...i mean, 2lbs is fine...but... yeah...and i know that my weight fluctuates really from day today--but i like to weigh in daily because it helps keep me accountable. though i may try to wait until sunday to check again. lol. idk. im not sure i can actually stop weighing myself daily. tried it before, and i end up weighing out of curiosity. lol.
thats really all i've had on my mind...just that i feel bad about not going to the gym last night and stuff...but... i mean...you win some you lose some.
now here's a question for you guys....with me working full time (monday-friday 830-530 chasing 3 year olds) do you think that going to the gym 4/7 days is enough for me to see weight loss? i'm scared that 5 may be too much and i'll get sick and stuff.... but idk.
ya'll have a good friday. and TGIF. so glad its the weekend. just wish it was 4 days long instead of 2. whoever came up with a "2 day" weekend was seriously crazy. should have made it 4 days. lol.
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