So here goes:
Last Saturday, Daniel and I went over to his parents' house to celebrate his dad's birthday. While we were over there, we got on the subject of diet. His brother kept on saying "cut out dairy. period. its awful. get rid of it" and being the stubborn old me, i rolled my eyes thinking "ya ya, whatever." (sorry christian, its true. thats what i was thinking... LOL) but we talked and talked about nutrition and stuff, and then Christan mentioned this documentary called Forks Over Knives on Netflix (and that is a link to the website in case you were curious).... they started to play it, but then daniel and his mom wanted to watch more of Surviving the Cut (a military documentary series) we forgot about it...until Sunday.
Daniel turned it on, and for the first 30 minutes, i didn't give a rats you-know-what about it. I was just chillin looking up random stuff on the internet and browsing...then after about 30 minutes, he turns to me and said "i'm pausing it until you stop what you are doing and watch this with me." when i realized he was serious, i begrudgingly shut the netbook and sat up to watch it.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I never realized half the stuff they talked about. (if you haven't watched it, download it or watch it on Netflix.) It showed a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer, but she switched to a plant based diet (which is what this documentary focused on) and it went into remission. countless people on here showing that diabetes was almost cured where they didn't have to take the medicines anymore... people with headaches (like ME) who switched and they hardly ever get headaches anymore...stuff like that...not to mention, they lose weight. So it got daniel and i talking.
We decided right then it was time for a change. We went to The Fresh Market, Barnes and Noble, and Target that day to try to come up with pricing, and we found the book that went with the documentary (it has some delish recipes!) we bought that...found some recipes we wanted to try, and got a few items from Target to start us off. On Tuesday, we went to Earth Fare and bought 5 different kinds of beans, basmati brown rice, and quinoa (and spent some time with Daniel's mom--which was fantastic!) we got a lot of items to kind of jump start us.
Now, I know you're thinking "bethany, what the HECK has gotten into you?!? are you crazy?!?" no i'm not crazy. i just want to get healthy. and after watching that documentary, i didn't see what i had to lose by attempting to eat a bunch more whole grains, veggies, and fruit. like seriously? not that hard. We're not going COMPLETELY least not right now...mainly because we're living with my parents and that would be hard as heck to do. but, the past 3 nights we've made our own meals while my parents made theirs. just because we wanted to....we aren't technically "starting" until Sunday, but we were anxious to try some random stuff. lol. for example:
Wednesday night I got home and was like "hmmm. i want to throw a bunch of random veggies in a pot with brown rice and veggie broth and a little bit of our soy sauce alternative..." and daniel was like "okay?!?" so we cooked brown rice, chopped up some carrots, celery, onion, and some of that soy sauce stuff...and it was FANTASTIC. lol and filling, of course.
Last night i made vegan tacos (sorta)...boca crumbles, a tiny bit of cheese (hence the sorta), spinach, tomato, black beans...whole wheat whole grain tortilla.....and of ccourse for breakfast we've been doing this recipe from the cookbook called "cinnamon raisin oatmeal". old fashioned oats, cinnamon, and raisins. easy. and if you like it creamy, add a bit of almond milk and you're good to go. ;)
the only thing i'm gonna really have a problem with is work. -.- i wish there was a way for me to step out of the room and eat a few carrots or celery or something...but alas there is not so i'll just have to make do for now. :)
but yeah. so... thoughts? been wanting to post a blog for a while now, but all i was gonna post before hand was one titled "dark wings, dark words" because i was about to give up completely with everything going on. working out is out of the question for right now (too much stress between work, cooking, and working out)'m trying to be more active (if thats even possible) at work....and just..eating "vegan." or as close as we can. but i seriously was gonna give up completely...but after seeing 3lbs come off just this week??...yeah okay...i'm stoked. not gonna lie. but anyways.
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this is dinner from tonight--quinoa topped with squash, zucchini, broccoli, chickpeas, carrots, celery, onion, and a bit of veggie broth. ;)
comments appreciated! :)