When you start to change your food habits, if you eat something greasy or laden with sugar, or just very very rich--your stomach does NOT appreciate it. I've had an upset stomach for 2 days now thanks to the very delicious pasta at Landry's. LAME. lol.
Aside from that, i've done pretty well this week. I've stuck to my guns. All except Thursday and yesterday. (both special occasions....my brother-in-law's bday, and my brother coming home) I mean, even with what i ate yesterday I did pretty good. I was still at a 1000 calorie differential, which is about where i try to be daily, if not a 1500 differential. :)
We also did not go to the gym thursday or friday... Thursday was our "off" day, and yesterday we were working in the garage so long that we just took a mile jog instead. I told daniel that i was already hot and sweaty and felt gross and wanted a shower, so lets go run real quick. LOL at least we did something. If i hadn't done that, I would have probably just gotten a shower and we wouldn't have done any exercising. working in the garage always makes me feel disgusting.
On a plus side--i got a LOT accomplished. We went through every box i owned out in the garage (except my books because my dad said those were packed well--huzzah!) and I packed up my coffee cups and plates/bowls. :) I'm gonna continue working on packing up my kitchen stuff today, but after this weekend i'll probably be done packing for a while. We are just trying to get my stuff packed up so my mom can move her stuff over. Its wierd...thinking about it...the next time i open up these boxes, I'll be unpacking wherever we get stationed...Its an odd feeling. lol
but yea...todays plan? eat less, do more. lol. i had cheerios for bfast cuz my tummy is still off. We are planning on going to the gym at some point...so thats good. I also want to go to walmart and a couple other places. :) I'm glad its not supposed to rain all day.
OHHH and guys heres my stats right now--
Monday I was 258.6
Today, I was 254.8.
FANTASTIC! I'm so excited. In order to motivate myself further, I am going to take "progress pics" every 10lbs. I don't know, it seems like a good idea and gets me motivated to get to those 10lb marks. :) PLUS it will look really good once I get a line from 10lbs-50lbs. It will be interesting to watch the changes in my body. :) I saw some on Reddit (this site Daniel likes) of a girl who had only lost 25lbs and OMG the changes were ridiculous!!! I was like "well dang, if thats not motivating, I don't know what is!" lol I like to read the loseit reddit columns and stuff. Its very motivating.
anyways. I gotta go.
love you guys!
ALSO thanks for all the support ya'll have showed me, even though i've been kinda up and down and motivated or not motivated, ya'll have helped me more than you know. I really do think this time is different. I have a new attitude about it.
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