Friday, July 10, 2015
Ella Claire
She's here! I can't believe I have already finished my pregnancy and had my sweet little girl! It has been quite a while since I posted here, and obviously--we found out we were having a girl! lol We found that out on January 9th, and we have loved her immensely so ever since conception. So I am posting now to tell my, well her, birth story.
As you guys know, my estimated due date was Friday June 26, 2015. I had a fairly uneventful pregnancy, no gestational diabetes, no other complications (other than one high blood pressure that freaked us all out at 38 weeks and we thought I was going to have to be induced). Well, June 26 came and still no sign of baby Ella! I was only dilated to 1.5cm, and only 50% effaced. Talk about disappointment! I thought for sure I was going to end up having to be induced at 42 weeks, as did my midwife! We scheduled the date for July 9, and Ashley (midwife) told me she'd see me the following Monday at my first post due appointment. Daniel and I went to lunch, enjoyed some time together, and talked about the next couple weeks and what/when to talk to family about it all.
Saturday came and still nothing, no cramps, contractions--nothing. So we went and saw Inside Out that night. Great movie, btw! We enjoyed spending more time together, went to the store to get groceries for the week ahead, and cuddled on the couch (because after all that, this 40+1 momma was exhausted). When we went to bed that night, I could not get comfortable. I wasn't really cramping, just felt uncomfortable.
Sunday morning we made breakfast, and around noon we decided to take a nap since neither of us slept well. When we laid down, I started cramping, but didn't think anything of it because I had cramped off and on my entire last trimester. Once I laid down, the cramping got stronger and I couldn't get comfortable. I figured I just had to use the bathroom, I got up and tried to go, and was able to. When I finished, I looked and had lost what I thought to be part of my bloody show. I went into the bedroom and told daniel that there was a possibility i was in labor or that it was going to start in the next couple days. I hadn't had any discharge like that before, so it caught me off guard. I tried laying down again, but the cramping was annoying so I decided to take a shower. When I realized the cramping wasn't going anywhere even with the shower it dawned on me that i was actually most likely in labor. When I got out of the shower, I started trying to bounce/ rock on my exercise ball to see if that helped the "cramps" subside. It helped them be less annoying, but didnt stop them. 10 minutes later, i got up--barely made it to the tile--and my water broke. We think it was more like a tear, because it just kinda ran down my legs slowly. I texted my doula and let her know, and Daniel and I started getting the hospital stuff together and made lunch. We knew at that moment we would be meeting our little girl in 24 hours or less!
After my water broke, things got real super fast. My water broke at 3p, by 4p, my "cramps" (that were actually contractions) were so strong I couldn't talk through them. Daniel and I tried to watch a Parks & Rec, I tried to sip a smoothie, we tried talking, and eventually gave up on all of them. Daniel turned on Lindsey Sterling on Pandora and helped me by timing the contractions. By 430, my contractions were about 90 seconds long and about 3 minutes apart. I suddenly got really nauseated and got sick, which prompted daniel and I that we should probably go to the hospital. We called my doula and told her just to meet us at the hospital because it was a 30 minute drive and with me being as nauseated as I was, it worried us that I was farther along in labor than I actually was. We also called my mom and daniel's parents and told them to head this way as soon as they could.
We got to the hospital around 5 and was immediately taken to OB Assessment. That was the worst part of my entire labor process. Those 45 minutes they left me in there were pure torture. I was strapped to the machines and forced to stay in this tiny bed. Daniel felt helpless because all he could do was hold my hand. When they checked me, my water had indeed broken; however, I was only at 2cm and 75% effaced. Talk about disappointment!!! I turned to Daniel and told him that I was probably going to end up with an epidural if the contractions were this bad and I was only at a 2! I felt so disheartened! But things started to look up when they got me to my actual labor and delivery room.
When I was able to walk and move around, my contractions were so much more bearable. I rocked, swayed, squatted, labored on the toilet, all of the above. They didn't keep me hooked up to monitors and checked me only three times the entire time I was there. About 3 hours after getting there, I was at 4cm, 2 hours later I was a 5, and one hour later I was an 8. I went from 8cm to 10 cm in 15 minutes. My body started having the natural urge to push at 8cm. That was rough. The nurse and my doula were both telling me to try to breathe through the urge and not push. The most difficult thing I've ever done in my life. LOL Its really hard to stop something that naturally happens, btw. After they saw i was at an 8, I tried walking from the bathroom to the bed, and when I got to the bed, they had me squat while holding on to the back--so I was leaning over the back of the bed. 5 minutes later, my doula had to go hunt down the nurses! The nurse and my midwife almost didn't make it in time! Haha they barely got their little gown thingies on before Ella decided it was time for her to make her appearance! I only pushed 3 good times, and she was out in 15 minutes.
Ella Claire Nichols was born at 1:33a on June 29, 2015. She was 8lbs and 20.5 inches long! I didn't have any tearing (well a slight abrasion, but no stitches required) and she is beautiful and perfect in every way!
Breastfeeding is hard, but I know it will get easier. I am so thankful that I was able to have the birth I wanted, and that my baby girl came out completely healthy. We only spent a little over 24 hours in the hospital. They offered to have me stay another night, but I couldn't do it. I wanted my own bed! I got a nap when we got home and it was glorious! lol We still can't believe she's here and she'll be 2 weeks old in 3 days! Crazy how fast time flies! Daniel and I are enjoying our alone time and snuggling with our sweet girl. Titan loves her too! (except when she cries, then he has no idea what to do!).
We are extremely blessed, and I could not be more thankful. I probably wont post often (not like i did, but I hope to post at least once a quarter. Ella keeps me quite busy!
I hope you guys enjoy your weekend--I know I sure will!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
The Year of Butter Bean
Oh wow, I did not realize that I haven't posted since August! So much has changed, even since then! I've obviously been busy with school, and I was seeing a personal trainer as well. School started out on an especially high note--I was ahead in everything, I kept up really well...then FYES happened. Let me just tell you, this class was a pointless waste of my tuition. It was ironic, really--the class that was supposed to be teaching me how to succeed and not procrastinate in college HELPED ME procrastinate and put things off. It made me completely apathetic for a good long while. I dreaded going to class, dreaded that class especially bad. Daniel probably got super irritated with me because i'd come home groaning about it EVERY TIME. It was awful. Needless to say, I'm glad that class is done. Oh man, that was the best day--walking out of the class for the very last time. Ah, memories. LOL anyways. Ended up finishing out my first semester, as distracted as I was the last two and a half months, with an overall 3.75 GPA. Pretty dang proud of myself, but kinda mad because I'm pretty sure the reason I didn't make a 4.0 is because I bombed my Gov't final. Oh well. Still did pretty well!
As for why I was distracted the last couple months? Most of you already know. As of October 15, 2014 that Daniel and I are expanding our family! We are pregnant! I am going to be 16 weeks on Friday and I'm so in love with this little one! We won't find out the gender for a few more weeks, and it is killing me not knowing! I also had something exciting happen yesterday--I felt the baby move for the first time! At least, I'm pretty sure I did! It was so amazing and weird all at the same time. To backtrack a little, we surprised our families when we went home October 23, and it was awesome. I had written two cute little poems, one for each set of parents, and picked out onesies for each of them. A cute little turkey onesie for my mommy and daddy--and of course, an alabama jersey onesie for the in-laws. They were so thrilled, even if my mother in law thought we were kidding at first. LOL. Both sides are completely enthralled with our pregnancy, as are we. We waited to tell everyone on facebook until our 8 week appt back on November 14. It was so hard waiting THAT long. I'm just glad we told our family when we went home. Even though I was only 5 weeks at that time and there was still a chance for miscarriage, I'm glad I told everyone. My mom was able to help me through my own terror as i cramped and spotted after our trip. It ended up being nothing and our little BUTTER BEAN (hence the title) was doing just fine. I am due June 26, 2015 and this year will be the year of the butter bean! 1/2 of the year pregnant, 1/2 of the year holding my little sweetheart. So happy.
Daniel and I also celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this year! Can you believe that? 5 years already! We were blessed with the opportunity to take a cruise to Nassau, Bahamas--it was so amazing. It was only a 3 day cruise, but so worth it. We want to take another one eventually, but we will probably do a 6 or 7 day cruise that time. It was amazing to just sit at the front of the ship and watch the sunrise and set over the ocean, as well as just enjoy each others company. We didn't have our phones, except to take pictures, or computers--so it was a nice change. We got to visit the Atlantis resort in nassau too while we were there--it was beautiful! Wish I could have seen their water park but since we weren't staying there, we weren't allowed many places.
We had a good visit home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year as well. We were able to go to MS for thanksgiving, for which i was so grateful! And spending time back home was awesome, even if I was sick the whole time (I ended up getting the flu or a cold or some other form of nasty business two days before we left for the cruise... was on antibiotics on the cruise...and proceeded to cough incessantly the entire trip home...and i'm still coughing every once in a while now. its annoying. lol)
Other than that stuff, we haven't really done much. We've spent more time together than usual, which is nice. Daniel is actually able to go with me to all my appts (so far), and believes he should be able to go with me for all of them which is exciting. being in the military, that isn't guaranteed though--so i'll take what i can get! lol hopefully he'll be able to go to all of them with me. It is very nice having him there. OH I forgot to mention, I'm seeing Midwives, not an OB. I'll meet the OBs as i get closer--just in case I have to have a C-section, but i am truly seeing the midwives. I plan on going au natural (call me crazy if you want, but i'd much rather that than the alternative!) and am both terrified and excited. Daniel supports my decision 100%, and we have a doula as well which will really help us out. We've been extremely blessed with friends and family offering up toys, a crib, changing table, etc. It is so helpful.
Oh! As for school? Since I know you're all wondering. I am continuing. I am only taking 2 courses this semester, both online. I will do the same thing next semester. 2 courses, both online. After that, I'm not really sure what will happen. It will depend on Daniel's job and what we have going on at that time. I'm not too concerned about it, though. :) I am determined to finish school, it just might take a little longer than I had originally anticipated. Which is fine by me. :)
I'll try to update more often throughout the pregnancy, but no promises. I tend to think I'm not busy, until i am busy. Then things just kinda get away from me. Overall, I think 2015 is going to be a fantastic year. I did not make any resolutions. I am really just focusing on having a happy, healthy pregnancy and encouraging my husband. I love my little family so much!
Anyways, I'll try to update you with gender reveal and more ultrasounds as they happen!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
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Our 8 week ultrasound--Baby Butter bean says YAY! lol |
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The two of us on the side of the ship as we came into port at Nassau. |
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we could NOT get Titan to cooperate trying to get our Christmas card pic lol |
Other than that stuff, we haven't really done much. We've spent more time together than usual, which is nice. Daniel is actually able to go with me to all my appts (so far), and believes he should be able to go with me for all of them which is exciting. being in the military, that isn't guaranteed though--so i'll take what i can get! lol hopefully he'll be able to go to all of them with me. It is very nice having him there. OH I forgot to mention, I'm seeing Midwives, not an OB. I'll meet the OBs as i get closer--just in case I have to have a C-section, but i am truly seeing the midwives. I plan on going au natural (call me crazy if you want, but i'd much rather that than the alternative!) and am both terrified and excited. Daniel supports my decision 100%, and we have a doula as well which will really help us out. We've been extremely blessed with friends and family offering up toys, a crib, changing table, etc. It is so helpful.
Oh! As for school? Since I know you're all wondering. I am continuing. I am only taking 2 courses this semester, both online. I will do the same thing next semester. 2 courses, both online. After that, I'm not really sure what will happen. It will depend on Daniel's job and what we have going on at that time. I'm not too concerned about it, though. :) I am determined to finish school, it just might take a little longer than I had originally anticipated. Which is fine by me. :)
I'll try to update more often throughout the pregnancy, but no promises. I tend to think I'm not busy, until i am busy. Then things just kinda get away from me. Overall, I think 2015 is going to be a fantastic year. I did not make any resolutions. I am really just focusing on having a happy, healthy pregnancy and encouraging my husband. I love my little family so much!
Anyways, I'll try to update you with gender reveal and more ultrasounds as they happen!
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
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16 week bump pic, starting to round out a bit! :) can't wait to see how that changes over the next couple months! |
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