So much has happened in the month since I last posted. I've decided to go back to school, turned 24, did my first maternity sessions, attended a banquet for Daniel's group here, had my best friend and my brother visit, AND finally got under 230--all within a month.
Got my parking pass and ID! |
Its been a busy month thats for sure. I decided back on July 10 that BAM I was ready to go back to school. After tossing it around in my head for months (really the past year or longer), I decided. It took my husband staring me down and saying, "DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELF?! You obviously want to do nursing, you are very passionate about it and the only thing holding you back is fear." Welp, thanks hubs. haha He didn't say it exactly that way, but thats basically what he told me. So yes, I'm going to school for nursing. I start my prereqs on Monday, actually. I'm going for my ASN--but that could change if we move and a college where we end up doesn't have an ASN program. From there, I plan to do an ASN-BSN or ASN-MSN bridge program...then eventually, after I've had my babies, become a CNM (Certified Nursing Midwife). I've always been passionate about babies, children, and pregnant women. I think this is the path I'm meant for. I still plan on becoming a Doula as well, so that will help me with my nursing career as well. I'm really excited, but I'm also terrified. The thought of having to sit through classes and all the BS that is college (the costs, ect)---it scares me. Luckily this semester and next I have myCAA (scholarship for military spouses that covers 4000 TOTAL) AND Pell Grant, so I should be good on getting everything. Its once myCAA runs out that I start getting nervous--but Daniel and I have a plan for what we're going to do, and it should all run smoothly. :)
At the dolphin show! |
Getting to see my bestie was probably one of the best birthday presents I could get! We had so much fun and just really enjoyed each other's company. We went up to Atlanta on my birthday (since the weather completely crapped on my plan to go to the beach! boooo) and went to the GA Aquarium--one of my favorites! Though, remember this--DO NOT GO THERE ON THE WEEKENDS. EVER. that is all. lol it was packed and hard to maneuver which makes it less enjoyable, but it was still fun. My favorite part was the first 30 minutes that we spent in a Dolphin Show. It was super cheesy, but it was awesome too. I loved the dolphins. I want that job. hahahahaha
goofin off before lunch at The Rookery |
Me and Tesla! Dork! |
My brother's visit went well too. I really enjoyed having him here and was super sad to see him leave. We're so close and its always hard to say goodbye to him. :\ We went up to Macon and tried a new restaurant called The Rookery--sooo good! Best burgers and fries I've ever had! (They also had a really good Root Beer Float--one of David's all-time favorite desserts!) I went to Mass with him as well, and that was awesome. I really enjoyed it. We also went to see Guardians of the Galaxy--SO GOOD! :D Daniel and David enjoyed it too. lol Titan got his best bud Tesla to visit too, so much fun!
One of my favorite maternity shots! |
Maternity pictures are also by FAR my favorite. I enjoyed getting the shots they most want and seeing the joy on their faces when I show them their pictures. So amazing.
Sorry I'm being a little ADD with my post--I'm just trying to cover anything I missed telling you guys over the last few weeks. haha.
Before the banquet |
The banquet was fun--I'm really hoping we can go to the AF Ball in Sept as well. That would be so cool! I enjoy dressing up and looking pretty. :)
I guess that is really about it. I had a bunch I wanted to write today, but for some reason now I'm drawing a blank. :\ I blame stress. lol
anyways. I hope you guys have a great weekend.